White's Oats

White's Oats Boost Team with Key Appointments

Appointment Piece

We are pleased to announce three significant additions to our Senior Management Team at White’s Oats, Ireland’s largest oat miller and breakfast cereal producer:

  • Colin Ferguson has been appointed as Head of Sales.
  • Ronan McLaughlin has taken on the role of New Product Development Manager.
  • Deborah Templeton has joined us as Commercial Coordinator.

These appointments are part of our strategic plan to enhance our commercial sales and product development efforts, supporting our long-term growth objectives. Based in Co. Armagh, we continue to lead in oat production and innovation, ensuring the highest quality products for our customers.

Speaking on the appointments James Mathers, Managing Director, White’s Oats, said:

“I am delighted to welcome all three to the Senior Management Team. The knowledge and expertise that Colin, Ronan and Deborah will bring to their role will be invaluable as we look to fulfil future growth ambitions right across the business.”

Previously Head of Sales at Mackel Petfood’s, Colin has 40 years’ experience in the sales industry and will play a valuable role as White’s look to increase their presence across the island of Ireland.

As a member of the Senior Management Team, Colin will work to drive sustainable business growth, while continuing to build strong relationships with both internal and external stakeholders. His role will involve exploring new channels and growth opportunities across numerous markets, as well as working to meet the needs of White’s Oats customers.

As consumer trends continue to evolve Ronan will play a key role in the creation, development, launch and management of new and upgraded products. With over xx years’ experience in the food development industry, Ronan will work closely with the marketing team to identify, develop concepts and fulfil market opportunities suitable for both Irish and UK retailers as well as consumers. Since his appointment Ronan has overseen the development of White’s new ActivOats High in Protein range which has builds on their existing instant porridge offering with the added benefit of containing over 8.9g of protein per 50g serving.

Deborah Templeton has been with White’s for nearly 10 years and worked her way up through the company ranks. In her new role Deborah brings a wealth of customer and supply chain experience and White’s knowhow to the team. She will work closely with the sales and marketing team to help manage and support new business leads and promote business growth and development with a focus on exporting.

The three new appointments come at an exciting time for the company who are looking to increase their both their talent and onsite capabilities in line with increasing consumer demands.

James Mathers, Managing Director, White’s Oats, continued “2024 has been a great new year for White’s to date as we continue to consolidate our business at home and expand our offering across new and emerging markets. In continuing to grown and strengthen our offering, these appointments will be crucial as we look to stay ahead of trends, develop exiting new products and continue to introduce new customers across UK, Ireland and further afield to this homegrown Northern Irish brand.”

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