White's Oats

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Eco Impact Labelling – Helping reduce your food miles and your carbon footprint

Whites Oats Eco Impact Rating Thumbnail

We’re on a mission to deliver healthy, nutritious and sustainable oat-based products and to help consumers make an informed choice when it comes to the environment through their shopping basket.To do so we’ve partnered with Foundation Earth, a not-for-profit organisation to understand the environmental impacts of our products via an eco rating score from A+ to G which you’ll find on our packs.

What do we measure?

Take a look at the four ecological impacts that we measure at every stage - from the farm to your supermarket shelf.


Carbon measures all greenhouse gases; carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide that are emitted when creating a product. They are seen as the main drivers of climate change and therefore are of the highest ecological importance.

Co2 Whites Oats


We rely on having a biodiverse planet (insects, critters, flowers to name a few) to produce our food, feed people and ultimately have a stable natural world. This impact measures the risk of losing entire species, to the land used to produce our food (habitat destruction).

Biodiversity Loss Whites Oats

Water Usage

This calculates all the water that is required in making a product, from irrigation in the field when growing the crop, to water that is added at the processing stage. Water is a precious commodity and becoming increasingly scarce therefore it’s vital we consider how water intensive the products we buy are.

Water Usage Whites Oats

Water Pollution

This is measured in terms of Eutrophication which means fertiliser or manure run off from the fields and into lakes and rivers. Algae love this, running wild and robbing everything below the surface of oxygen and sunlight.

Water Pollution

How do we measure?

To analyse a product’s life cycle and its calculated impacts, the life cycle assessment is commonly broken up into stages. We capture impacts throughout the supply chain under these 5 stages:

How Do We Measure 1

How did we do?

We scored an A+, the highest rating that can be awarded and below are just some of the ways we are helping you make a more sustainable start to your day

Eco Label Products Thumbnail
  • Our oats are grown by Irish and British farmers helping reduce food miles
  • 35% of the oats we grow are organic, helping support the natural world
  • Oats require minimal water to grow and are well suited to the Irish climate
  • Our porridge oats are packed in fully recyclable FSC certified paper packaging
30 Less Carbon

*Source Mondra.com

To find out more about our work with Foundation Earth and a more detailed breakdown of our life cycle assessment, click here.

To learn more about our sustainability pledges, check out the link below.